KZN Food Photography – Hartford House

As much as I love photography, and am passionate about making beautiful images, I also love fine cuisine.

My journey with food and photography started a few years back when I did the food and interior photography for the new Bread & Butter Coffee Shop in Cape Town.

Since then I’ve dabbled here and there, not really focussing on food as much as trying to establish my own unique style.

So, when Duncan Bruce from Hartford House phoned me up and invited me to spend the afternoon at the gorgeous Hartford House off the Hlatikulu road, near Mooi River,  I realised how much I really really love photographing food.  Although how could one not – in such sublime surroundings.  Chef “Tijne” had used the theme of “seasons” for his dishes,  so I decided the best way to capture the essence  of each dish, was to shoot outside, in natural light,using the elements I found around me.  Fish ponds, sun dials, veggie garden, stone pathways –    all worked like a charm.

Here are some of the images and a few of the actual grand dame herself.

Thanks Duncan, for giving me the opportunity.  I sincerely look forward to many more.

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