KZN Preggy Shoot
When I got a WhatsApp from my dear friend Karen to say she was sitting with a very irrational mother-to-be (her sister) and would I be free for a quick preggyy shoot in the next day or two, I jumped at the chance. After all, is there anything more beautiful than an expectant mom, glowing with happiness (and bursting from the seams lol!!).
Shortly after that, Su-Jana’d me and we decided to go for it. Cos, seriously, preggy fairies are just fabulous. Despite looking pretty poppable, Su was game for anything I suggested. Gunther too was happy to lend a hand and go along with whatever ideas we had. So a tractor or two, a menagerie of farm animals, a forest at the beautiful Michaelhouse, long, swaying brown grasses and a railway line and bobs your auntie ~ lots of pretty pregginess!!!
With not long to go, Su-Yana was amazingly agile all things considered. Take a peak and……watch this space. Can’t wait to meet this little miracle in the flesh soon (so to speak). Su – hang in there – tickety tock. Thank you for being such a fun mom-to-be and wishing both of you all the best in the days to come with little Hugo man.